If you are reading this, you are visiting the newest version of the Deerhaven Farm website. We’ve added this new feature to make it easier to keep the viewers of the site updated with the ‘goings on’ here at the farm. The idea is to post frequent updates to keep friends and family in the loop of our lives.
Now for the update. Last fall we had several big oak trees fall around the property. One fell across the driveway to the barn, but luckily only took down the fence and ‘killed’ one gate while injuring another. We have been the process of trying to get these trees cut up and off the fences for several months. With the help of my parents, we’re finally able to drive down the driveway.
In addition, we’ve been working on our orchard. We recently planted a fig tree, peach tree, and some cherry trees. To go along with the peach trees, plum trees, blueberry bushes, and grape that are already in the ground.
Talk with you next time!